The Latest Custom Web Development Trends to Follow in 2021

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Web development trends change every year. There are always new techniques, frameworks, and technologies to learn. What does this mean for you? If you don’t keep up with the latest web development trends, you’ll be a step behind your competition. Not to mention, you’ll be more likely to miss out on new opportunities for work. This post will help you stay on top of the latest we development trends. 

The best thing you can do is to stay current with the latest trends. The reasons? This will enable you to be more productive, increase your profits, and ultimately benefit your business. You’ll want to check out these articles and learn about the latest trends that are happening in the world of web development. The “AI” in “Smart Bots” “When we’re communicating with a custom web application or an IoT device, it’s not just one person’s experience that’s being sent back, it’s a lot of conversations that are happening at the same time. We have multiple people asking the same question or presenting different data.



Progressive web applications

Progressive web applications (PWA) – also known as “pseudo-websites” -are app versions of the web app. They offer native experiences designed to look and work like apps but require less bandwidth and fewer hardware resources. PWAs are perfect for mobile-first enterprises and businesses that require simple and intuitive apps but don’t have the budget to implement custom web app frameworks. PWAs integrate with the rest of the custom website development stack and work with HTTP/2 to provide fast page loads and powerful features. PWAs are special-purpose websites that meet the following requirements: Mobile-friendly and fully accessible from mobile devices, but they’re also designed to work great on the web. They are made with modern web technologies. They don’t need to download assets from an external server or fetch frequently used data from a remote server. These websites are highly configurable and can be updated through RESTful APIs. Typically, users don’t have to install a browser extension or provide a login ID or password. Progressive web applications are available on all major mobile browsers and devices.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and bots

Artificial intelligence is a hot topic right now. It’s estimated that by 2025, more than half of all enterprise software will be automated by AI. But AI isn’t just an enterprise thing. Tech giants like Facebook, Google, and Amazon are in a race to create smarter, more interactive user interfaces. In 2017, companies like Google and Facebook released Alpha bots. They created chatbots with the goal of creating seamless user interactions, not requiring developers to program in terms of buttons, menus, and text inputs. As a result, developers are developing interfaces that follow the typical chatbot format but with more human-like voices and user experiences. It’s similar to how chat apps like Slack and Facebook Messenger make it easy for teams to communicate with each other.

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

To get a sense of how fast the web design and development is evolving, see the number of mobile devices in the world right now. Between April 2016 and April 2017, more than 90% of mobile data will be from mobile devices. This rapid growth will result in dramatic changes in the way people access and consume data. AMP is a key trend in this context. For example, during a period of peak performance, you can expect a 55% increase in the number of content users can consume. As more people start using AMP to view their favourite content, the focus will be on producing high-quality, relevant content with a speed-to-market advantage. To stay up to date with the latest trends, keep an eye on Google’s AMP. AI and bots A machine-learning algorithm performs a task autonomously, without a human in the loop.

Serverless architecture

To help you keep your finger on the pulse of what’s new in custom web development service, let’s take a look at serverless architecture. What is Serverless? Serverless is the introduction of software that is highly automated and operates with no human involvement. This means the developer doesn’t have to be in the loop regarding the functionality of the server. Think of serverless as self-driving. The developer does nothing and the serverless service provides the functionality and insights needed. As we’ve seen with platforms like AWS Lambda, serverless allows you to focus on your users. For those of you who are new to the concept of serverless, I suggest you read my article about serverless frameworks first. Then, you can click the link below to explore Google’s guide.

Motion UI

We have seen there are dynamic changes in website design. Huge advances in motion graphics make all these ideas possible. This isn’t even as cool as it sounds. These are full-screen animations that appear while you browse web pages.This isn’t even as cool as it sounds. These are full-screen animations that appear while you browse web pages. The JavaScript engine powering Chrome is approaching 60% faster. Developers are getting smarter about mobile. The mobile web is already big. But its growth is still in its early stages. It’s clear we have plenty of room to grow.


In this post, we are trying to cover few custom web development trends that a developer should keep up to sta in the competitation in the recent coming years. Hopefully, this post will help you to understand the recent trends.